DAS Eindhoven

DAS focuses on the ambitious students

that want to develop themselves

alongside their studies.



Stimulate personal growth and ambition through a flexible and rewarding environment


  • Seek exemptions from the 'langstudeerboete' for students who engage in extracurricular activities alongside their studies or have experienced prolonged (mental) illness.  

  • Aim for a complete catalogue of recorded lectures to ensure that students can properly follow courses even when a lecture is missed, facilitating flexible study options.   

  • Advocate for greater recognition of students participating in extracurricular activities, such as board years or student teams. This could include providing certificates, financial support, and considering flexibility in education.  

  • Conduct further research into why it has become more difficult to fill positions in committees, boards, and student teams.  

Achieved until now:

  • Secured testimonials for board members and removed the 15 ECTS requirement during a board year. 

  • Actively protesting against the 'langstudeerboete' 

Improve student housing in Eindhoven through active lobbying and student projects

Working on:

  • Appeal against the ‘30-meter rule’, which prohibits having more than one student house within a 30-meter radius.   

  • Develop a quality certification for student houses that meet proper standards, to encourage responsible landlordship.    

  • Actively collaborate with the municipality to address the student housing crisis and ensure that made agreements are acted upon and adjusted.  

  • Keep informing students about their rights when living in student housing and direct them to the appropriate support channels, e.g., by organizing live sessions on tenant rights and a Studium Generale session.  


  • ✅ Launched a project with its own board, called EindjeBouwen, where unused spaces are temporarily repurposed for student housing.    

  • ✅ Collaborated with the Landelijke Studenten Vakbond to send an urgency letter concerning the 'Afschaffing Tijdelijke Huurcontracten' (abolition of temporary rental contracts).  

  • ✅ Contributed to passing the 'Wet Betaalbare Huur' (Affordable Rent Act) in partnership with the housing workgroup of the Landelijke Studenten Vakbond.

Enhance the position of the students in Eindhoven by actively representing their voice towards the municipality


  • Continue organizing successful dinners between the municipality and students to discuss relevant topics such as rising energy costs and the availability of cultural activities in the city and on campus.  

  • Keep advocates for more 'geluidsdagen' on campus, allowing students to organize more events.  

  • Seek a collaboration between the municipality and the university to improve access to information for international students.  

  • Maintain regular contact with student representatives in the municipality to directly address and advocate for student interests. 


  • ✅ Actively researched event offerings on campus. Through contact with the municipality also included in a research of location profiles in Eindhoven. 

  • ✅ Reduced the gap between municipality and students by organizing dinners with municipal councilors, student representatives and students. 

Focus on the quality of education and community while the TU/e is growing


  • Beyond supporting the TU/e community, ensure that smaller communities with their own identities have adequate facilities, receive sufficient recognition, and are provided with the necessary information.  

  • Ensure the effective integration of global themes, such as sustainability and AI, into study curricula. In addition, there should be more clarity on the guidelines of using AI. 

  • Maintain a good staff-to-student ratio.  

  • Increase the number of meeting areas and study spaces on campus or make more efficient use of existing facilities.  

  • Continue to encourage the strong connections between education and companies in the Brainport region

Achieved until now:

  • Successfully brought the student community together to formulate a community-driven alcohol covenant (together with ONS). 

Improve social safety and student wellbeing


  • Help TU/e to improve the clarity and findability of topics and contact persons related to wellbeing, by supporting the implementation of the Integrity & Social Safety Desk.       

  • Help TU/e by providing support in drawing up a code of conduct for undesirable behavior. 

  • Putting together a board for GELIJKSPEL in Eindhoven, to more actively educate students about border-crossing behavior in student life. 

  • Organize a workshop for boards for writing and implementing policies on preventing sexually transgressive behavior in collaboration with the student organization GELIJKSPEL.   


  • Facilitated multiple gatherings throughout the year to guide associations, where board members exchange experiences and discuss their missions on social safety, under the supervision of professionals.  

  • Affiliated with the Student Pact, an action-oriented approach for sexually transgressive behavior.

Position Eindhoven as a vibrant, student-centered city where innovation, culture and strong university-community ties create the perfect environment for learning and living


  • Actively participating in the process of shaping the new student life vision. 

  • Promote Eindhoven for newcomers and students abroad as a lively community, not only as a place to study. 

  • Make Eindhoven more appealing as a student city

  • Make sure the student numbers don’t fall behind the need for students with a technical background, since the demand for technical students increases due to a growing labor market.    

  • Highlight Eindhoven’s innovative technology, design, and cultural diversity across the country. 

  • Strengthen the collaboration between the city and the university to create a vibrant atmosphere that attracts both students and residents. 

Interested in a student team?

Are you interested in joining a student team, but do not know what the TU/e has to offer? Look through the student team vacancies.

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