
University Council Meeting of April 2022

April 25 we had our monthly university council update. In the following update we will explain the topics we discussed.


DAS asked for the progress of the extra curricular certificate, which are called “Testimonials” now. The TU/e is currently working on the design of those testimonials for student teams and for boards. The testimonials are expected to be introduced next academic year.

Building Complaints

The university council raised the concern about the facilities on our university. There are complaints about for instance the meeting rooms and study places around the campus. A complete list with all the complaints will be created and communicated to Real Estate.

High School Students

DAS asked a question about the upcomming TU/e students, since the last 2 years were had a different form of education for almost all of us. Therefore upcomming students might not be ready, mentally and knowledgewise, for university next year. The education board is discussing if action is needed on this topic. They will already look at if a student dropped a course during their exams, if that exam is necesarry for following a study at the TU/e.

Ancillary Activities

Also known as “nevenactiviteiten” from profressors. On the 6th of April, Nieuwsuur published an article that ancillary activities at most of the universities aren’t registered correctly or registration lacked at all. DAS asked if the same was happening at the TU/e. The TU/e has a high registration of ancillary activities and had intensified the supervision of the registration already before the article.


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